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Lake Wales (Current through Ordinance 2023-17, Adopted 7-05-2023) |
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Code of Ordinances |
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Chapter 2. Administration |
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Article I. Public Meetings |
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Division 2. City Commission Meetings |
§ 2-6. Meeting schedule, quorum, and attendance requirements. |
Latest version.
(a) Regular meetings. In accordance with section 3.09 of the City Charter, the city commission shall meet at least twice in every month. Regular meetings of the city commission shall be held on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in Commission Chambers at City Hall. The city commission may continue, reschedule, or postpone any regular meeting to another date and time, provided that no fewer than two (2) regular meetings are held in any month. Notice of the regular meeting shall specify the day, hour and subject of the meeting and shall be posted on the bulletin board at City Hall where other official notices are posted at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. (b) Special meetings. In accordance with section 3.09 of the City Charter, special meetings may be called by the mayor, by any two (2) commissioners, or by the city manager. Special meetings shall require no less than twelve (12) hours notice to each member of the commission and to the public. Notice of the special meeting shall specify the day, hour and subject of the meeting and shall be posted on the bulletin board at City Hall where other official notices are posted. (c) Workshops. Informal meetings to discuss particular issues to be considered by the city commission may be held from time to time as the need arises. No official action shall be taken at a workshop. Workshops shall require no less than twelve (12) hours notice to each member of the commission and to the public. Notice of the workshop shall specify the day, hour and subject of the meeting and shall be posted on the bulletin board at City Hall where other official notices are posted. (d) Quorum. A majority of all members elected to the city commission shall constitute a quorum for transaction of business. The inability to hold a scheduled meeting due to lack of a quorum shall be recorded in the official record of the city commission. (e) Attendance. In accordance with section 3.09 of the City Charter, absence from three (3) consecutive regular meetings of the city commission shall operate to vacate the seat of a member unless such absence is excused by the commission by resolution duly passed and recorded in the official minutes. |
(Ord. No. 98-02, § 1, 1-20-98; Ord. No. 2006-14, § 1, 4-4-06; Ord. No. 2007-35, § 1, 9-4-07) |
§ 2-7. Agenda. |
Latest version.
(a) Publication. No later than seventy-two (72) hours prior to each regular meeting of the city commission, an agenda which contains all items to be acted upon at the meeting shall be posted on the bulletin board at City Hall where other official notices are posted. Posting of the agenda shall be in addition to any public notice of the meeting which may be required by Florida Statutes or other applicable regulations. A packet containing the agenda and information pertaining to items included on the agenda shall be forwarded to city commissioners no later than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting. (b) Agenda deadline. Any person may have an item placed on the agenda by submitting a request to the city clerk no later than 5:00 p.m. on the Wednesday preceding the meeting. Such request shall be in writing, shall fully explain the nature of the item to be included, and shall provide sufficient detail as to inform the city commissioners about the action to be taken on the item, if any. A request received after the deadline shall be held by the city clerk for inclusion on the agenda for the next scheduled meeting. The city manager may, at his discretion, waive the deadline requirement for requests of an emergency nature. (c) Withdrawal of agenda item. The person requesting placement of an item on the agenda may withdraw the item prior to the meeting by notifying the city clerk. (d) Record. A copy of each agenda packet (i.e., the agenda and all information submitted to the city commission) shall become part of the official record of the city and shall be permanently retained by the city clerk. Any information provided to the city commission during consideration of an item on the agenda shall be added to the record and retained with the agenda packet. |
(Ord. No. 98-02, § 1, 1-20-98) |
§ 2-8. Meeting procedures. |
Latest version.
(a) Quorum. The city clerk shall determine the presence of a quorum as required by law and these rules. (b) Call to order. The mayor shall call the meeting to order at the appointed time. In the absence of the mayor, the vice-mayor shall call the meeting to order. In the absence of the mayor and vice-mayor, the most senior commissioner present shall call the meeting to order. (c) Presiding officer. The mayor shall be the presiding officer at all commission meetings. In the absence of the mayor, the vice-mayor shall be the presiding officer. In the absence of the mayor and vice-mayor, the most senior commissioner present shall be the presiding officer. (d) Control of discussion. The presiding officer shall control discussion of the commission on each agenda item to ensure full participation in accordance with these rules. (e) Order of consideration. Each agenda item shall be considered in the order as shown on the published agenda. With the consent of the commission, however, any agenda item may be considered out of order at the request of a commissioner or the city manager. (f) Public hearing. Public hearings shall be held as required by F.S. ch. 166, or other applicable legislation. A public hearing shall commence when declared open by the presiding officer and shall conclude when declared closed by the presiding officer. The presiding officer shall close the public hearing after all citizens have been given the opportunity to speak on the matter under consideration. (g) Motion required. All actions requiring a vote shall be moved and seconded by members of the commission. (h) Motion to reconsider. A motion to reconsider may be made by a commission member and shall require a majority vote of the commission unless a greater number was required for the original action. (i) Closing discussion on matters not requiring a public hearing. Discussion on matters not requiring a public hearing shall be closed by the presiding officer with a call for a vote. A call for a vote shall not close discussion if any commissioner still wishes to be heard except as provided in paragraph (j) of this section. If discussion has preceded the making of a motion, discussion shall be closed with a call for a motion. (j) Call for a vote. At the conclusion of discussion, the presiding officer shall call for a vote, however, a majority of the commission may require a vote at any time. (k) Recording of motion and vote. The city clerk shall record the name of the commissioner making each motion, the second, and the vote of each commission member in accordance with requirements of F.S. § 286.012. All votes enacting any ordinance or adopting any resolution shall be cast verbally by roll call of the members. A voice vote may be taken on any other matter. When a voice vote is taken, the presiding officer shall state the result of the vote and the name of each commissioner casting a dissenting vote. (l) Consideration of matters not on the agenda. At the close of the regular agenda, any commissioner may bring a matter not on the agenda to the commission's attention, however no official action shall be taken on the matter. Upon the request of a commissioner, the matter may be included on a later agenda. (m) Adjournment. The presiding officer shall adjourn the meeting when there are no further matters to be discussed by the commission or the public. |
(Ord. No. 98-02, § 1, 1-20-98; Ord. No. 2009-08, § 1, 4-9-09) |
§ 2-9. Citizen participation. |
Effective on Tuesday, December 15, 2020
(a) Citizen rights. Citizens shall be permitted to address the city commission on matters relevant to an agenda item during a duly advertised public hearing on that item. Citizens may be permitted to address the city commission at the discretion of the presiding officer on matters relevant to an agenda item which is not undergoing an advertised public hearing. Citizens shall be permitted to address the city commission on any matter related to city business during that portion of the meeting officially set aside for such purpose. (b) Manner of addressing the commission. A person desiring to address the commission shall step to the podium, state his or her name, address and group affiliation, if any, and speak clearly into the microphone unless otherwise authorized by the presiding officer. (c) Time limit on remarks. Citizens shall be limited to five (5) minutes per comment period unless additional time is granted by the presiding officer. The period for input from citizens on any single agenda item under commission consideration may be limited by the presiding officer. The period for citizen input on an agenda item may be extended by a majority vote of the commission. (d) Remarks to be relevant. The City Commission solicits and welcomes comments from members of the public entitled to speak when the comments address subject matter that is within the Commission’s scope of authority and may be of assistance in carrying out the Commission’s responsibilities for the benefit of the City and its citizens, taxpayers or those services from the City concerning those services. Citizens making personal, impertinent, intimidating or threatening remarks shall be barred from further comment during the meeting. (e) Commissioner making comment as citizen. A commissioner who desires to speak as a citizen on any matter shall leave the dais and speak from the podium, observing the rules for citizen remarks as specified in paragraphs (b) through (d) of this section. A commissioner who is serving as presiding officer shall pass the gavel to another commissioner as provided in section 2-8 (c) of this article before leaving the dais. (f) Disruptive conduct. If a person's conduct disrupts the meeting or disturbs the peace and order of anyone present, it shall be the duty of a peace officer, upon the request of the presiding officer, to issue such commands and take such action as may be necessary to eliminate the disruptive conduct and restore peace and order to the meeting. |
(Ord. No. 98-02, § 1, 1-20-98; Ord. No. 2020-32, § 1, 12-15-20) |