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Lake Wales (Current through Ordinance 2023-17, Adopted 7-05-2023) |
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Code of Ordinances |
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Chapter 23. Zoning, Land Use And Development Regulation |
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Article IV. District Regulations |
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Division 4. Planned Development Project Regulations |
§ 23-445. Mixed-use PDPs.
Mixed-use PDPs are allowed in C-1, C-2R, C-5, and PF zoning districts, and in the C-2 and C-3 zoning district where allowed under the land use classification on the Future Land Use Map of the Comprehensive Plan. Mixed-use developments in C-2R and PF zoning districts may be approved through the site plan process set forth in 23-222 unless there are multiple principal buildings, in which case, PDP approval is required.
Sec. 23-445.1 Minimum standards.
a. Density and intensity. Mixed-use developments shall not exceed the density and intensity limits for the Future Land Use designation of the property as set forth in the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan.
Except in the C-1 (downtown) and C-5 (village center) districts, the maximum non-residential square footage allowed in a mixed-use development shall be determined by the following formula: Two thousand five hundred (2,500) times the maximum number of dwelling units allowed on the property per the Future Land Use Classification. Where fewer units are proposed than the maximum number of dwelling units allowed, an additional two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet of non-residential area shall be added for each unit allowed, but not proposed.
b. Building setbacks. Except in developments in the C-1 (downtown) and C-5 (village center) districts, principal buildings shall be set back fifty (50) feet from adjacent residential uses and zones and twenty (20) feet from other property lines except front property lines. In all districts, principal buildings fronting on an arterial or major collector road exterior to the project shall adhere to the front setback required in the zoning district where the project is located.
c. Buffers. Except in developments in the C-1 (downtown) and C-5 (village center) districts, a ten-foot wide, landscaped separation strip shall be provided along all property lines abutting a residential use or zone. Within this strip, a permanent visual screen, such as a wall or evergreen hedge, with a minimum height of six (6) feet shall be provided.
d. Recreation. Except in the C-1 district, recreation areas shall be provided per the requirements of section 23-310
Sec. 23-445.2 Design guidelines for mixed use PDPs except village centers. (See section 23-445.3 for design guidelines for village centers.)
The design guidelines for residential and those for commercial, industrial, and professional PDPs shall also apply to mixed use PDPs. In addition, dwelling units within a mixed-use development provide tenants with a setting and amenities appropriate for residential use; apartments do not appear as an afterthought in the development.
Methods for achieving:
Dwelling units are located away from busy roadways or are shielded from traffic noise by solid fencing and landscaping.
Outdoor space for recreation is located conveniently for the use of residents and provides facilities for their enjoyment.
The site layout and landscaping provides for the safety and privacy of residents.
Sec. 23-445.3 Design guidelines for village centers (C-5 districts).
a. Overall concept. A village center is a commercial, business, and social center with the characteristics of a traditional downtown. Its primary focus is serving residents in the surrounding residential area though it may have businesses that attract patrons from the larger community. Methods for achieving:
The center contains a variety of uses catering to residents, such as convenience stores, barber shops and hair salons, dry cleaning businesses, restaurants, branch banks, and video rental stores.
Mixed use buildings containing businesses and residences, as well as residential buildings, are included in the village center. Residential densities decrease with distance from the center, providing a transition to low density residential areas.
Buildings are arranged in a compact configuration with a pedestrian orientation.
Public spaces, such as plazas and central greens, provide focal points, informal gathering places, and opportunities for special events.
The village center is designed to serve the pedestrian rather than the vehicle.
b. Access and circulation. Access to the village center is safe and convenient for pedestrians, bicycles, and vehicles from nearby residential areas as well as exterior roadways; the village center is oriented for the pedestrian rather than the vehicle.
Access to the village center from surrounding residential areas is safe and convenient for pedestrians, bicycles, and vehicles.
Bike racks are provided close to businesses and parks.
A major or minor collector provides access from exterior roadways to the village center and provides a transition to minor collectors and local streets within the village center.
The village center streets have low speed limits and a comprehensive system of sidewalks and crosswalks.
Peripheral parking areas are provided; street parking is permitted.
Parking areas are located to the side and rear of buildings and serve multiple businesses.
c. Open space. Open space in the village center provides recreation for its residents and visitors and provides areas for special events. Methods for achieving:
Parks and open space provide connections between residential areas and the village center.
Plazas, greens, neighborhood parks, and mini-parks are centrally located within the village center.
Benches, gazebos, landscaping, decorative lighting and other facilities are provided to encourage social interaction and enjoyment of open space in the village center.
Outdoor eating areas are provided away from vehicular traffic and adjacent to public spaces.
d. Streetscape. The village center streetscape is similar to the traditional downtown. Methods for achieving:
Buildings are located close to streets and have direct access to the sidewalk.
Streets have sidewalks with low, decorative lighting, street trees, and street furniture.
Less than thirty (30) percent of the street frontage is occupied by parking areas.
Architectural guidelines ensure that all buildings in the village center are compatible in style and scale. No large scale buildings dominate the streetscape.
(Ord. No. 2018-07, § 5, 09-19-18)