§ 23-444. Commercial, industrial, and professional PDPs.  

Latest version.
  • Sec. 23-444.1 Minimum design standards.

    a. Intensity. The PDP may not exceed the limits of intensity set forth in the Comprehensive Plan for the Future Land Use classification of the property where the PDP is proposed.

    b. Building setbacks. Principal buildings shall be set back thirty-five (35) feet from adjacent residential uses and zones and twenty (20) feet from other external property lines except front property lines. Principal buildings fronting on roads exterior to the project shall adhere to the front setback required in the zoning district where the project is located.

    c. Buffers. A ten-foot wide, landscaped separation strip shall be provided along all property lines abutting a residential use or zone. Within this strip, a permanent visual screen, such as a wall or evergreen hedge, with a minimum height of six (6) feet shall be provided.

    Sec. 23-444.2 Design guidelines.

    a. Relationship to surrounding area. The development is not isolated from the surrounding community, but is an integral part of the community. The site plan for the development is complementary to site features of surrounding development and does not create incompatible juxtapositions. Methods for achieving:

    Pedestrian and bike paths connect the development with surrounding residential and non-residential land uses and with pedestrian and bike paths along roadways in the vicinity of the project.

    Cross access easements, roadway connections, and location of entrances facilitate vehicular access to the development from residential and non-residential land uses in the area surrounding the project.

    Open space in the development is connected to open space and parks in adjacent development.

    The backs of buildings, loading docks, outdoor storage areas, and dumpsters are located away from surrounding residential and other sensitive uses and are screened with attractive landscaping and/or fencing from adjacent uses and roadways.

    Distance and solid fencing reduce noise from such uses as dumpsters and loading docks.

    The scale, architectural style, and location of buildings is chosen to be compatible with surrounding development and to provide transitions from large or massive buildings to surrounding land uses, particularly single-family development.

    b. Natural features of land. The layout of the development is suited to the configuration and characteristics of the land and integrates natural features into the overall design. Methods of achieving:

    Natural features of the land, including wetlands, ponds, hills, and vegetation, are preserved and become the basis for the layout of the development.

    Open areas incorporate natural features become focal points for the development.

    Site layout allows views of natural features and open space from project entrances and public spaces such as restaurants and outdoor plazas.

    Changes in site elevation are used as a design feature to provide interest.

    c. Unified concept. The project creates an attractive and pleasant grouping of buildings with a unique identity and sense of place for employees and clients; buildings are not lined up parallel to the roadway with a large parking lot in front. Methods for achieving:

    Buildings have architectural harmony and are located in functional and attractive groupings.

    A design concept for the development, including out-parcels, promotes functional and architectural coherence. The concept addresses the relationships of buildings in terms of appearance and access by vehicles and pedestrians, includes plazas for outdoor gatherings, incorporates open space and natural features into the design, and provides attractive landscaping throughout.

    Outparcels are situated to complement the overall design and do not visually dominate the project frontage.

    Parking areas are designed for both convenience and attractiveness. Large areas of asphalt are avoided through sectioning off small parking areas, using landscaped separation strips, and through creative site layout.

    Signage and landscaping are planned to unify buildings and uses and to promote design coherence to the whole project.

    The development has a unifying feature or features, such as a central plaza, giving a sense of overall design and providing places for outdoor events and social interaction.

    The site layout and landscaping avoids the appearance from the street of a huge, unrelieved parking lot.

    d. Circulation. The development is easily accessible to vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians. Methods for achieving:

    Vehicular entrances and access roads do not direct traffic entering the site directly to the front of the building, but to parking aisles.

    The site design integrates parking among the buildings or wraps parking around two (2) or more sides of buildings rather than consolidating all parking spaces in a large parking area that is segregated from the building(s).

    Multiple pedestrian access points to a group of buildings and adjacent parking areas avoids vehicular congestion at the front of a building and competition for parking near one (1) entrance.

    The distance from any parking space to a building entrance is minimized; optimum distance: less than one hundred fifty (150) feet.

    Parking aisles are short and wide to allow safe passage of pedestrians and vehicles.

    Bicycle lanes or paths are provided from adjacent bike paths and local streets; bike racks are provided close to buildings.

    Walkways, separate from vehicular ways are provided for pedestrians.

    e. Landscaping and lighting. An attractive and pedestrian-scale atmosphere is created through abundant landscaping and pleasant, unobtrusive lighting. Methods for achieving:

    Landscaped areas create green corridors through and around parking areas, breaking up large areas of parking.

    Large caliper trees are preserved or planted in selected focal areas to provide immediate mature landscaping.

    Lighting poles are decorative, low, and directed downward to light parking areas and pedestrian paths.

    Landscaped areas are combined with pedestrian paths.

    Tree locations and species are chosen to provide shade in parking areas and plazas.

    Outdoor eating areas are located in areas specifically designed for them, such as plazas between buildings or open areas distant from high vehicular traffic.

(Ord. No. 2007-33, § 7, 9-4-2007)