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Lake Wales (Current through Ordinance 2023-17, Adopted 7-05-2023) |
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Code of Ordinances |
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Chapter 2. Administration |
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Article I. Public Meetings |
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Division 2. City Commission Meetings |
§ 2-9. Citizen participation.
(a) Citizen rights. Citizens shall be permitted to address the city commission on matters relevant to an agenda item during a duly advertised public hearing on that item. Citizens may be permitted to address the city commission at the discretion of the presiding officer on matters relevant to an agenda item which is not undergoing an advertised public hearing. Citizens shall be permitted to address the city commission on any matter related to city business during that portion of the meeting officially set aside for such purpose.
(b) Manner of addressing the commission. A person desiring to address the commission shall step to the podium, state his or her name, address and group affiliation, if any, and speak clearly into the microphone unless otherwise authorized by the presiding officer.
(c) Time limit on remarks. Citizens shall be limited to five (5) minutes per comment period unless additional time is granted by the presiding officer. The period for input from citizens on any single agenda item under commission consideration may be limited by the presiding officer. The period for citizen input on an agenda item may be extended by a majority vote of the commission.
(d) Remarks to be relevant. The City Commission solicits and welcomes comments from members of the public entitled to speak when the comments address subject matter that is within the Commission’s scope of authority and may be of assistance in carrying out the Commission’s responsibilities for the benefit of the City and its citizens, taxpayers or those services from the City concerning those services. Citizens making personal, impertinent, intimidating or threatening remarks shall be barred from further comment during the meeting.
(e) Commissioner making comment as citizen. A commissioner who desires to speak as a citizen on any matter shall leave the dais and speak from the podium, observing the rules for citizen remarks as specified in paragraphs (b) through (d) of this section. A commissioner who is serving as presiding officer shall pass the gavel to another commissioner as provided in section 2-8 (c) of this article before leaving the dais.
(f) Disruptive conduct. If a person's conduct disrupts the meeting or disturbs the peace and order of anyone present, it shall be the duty of a peace officer, upon the request of the presiding officer, to issue such commands and take such action as may be necessary to eliminate the disruptive conduct and restore peace and order to the meeting.
(Ord. No. 98-02, § 1, 1-20-98; Ord. No. 2020-32, § 1, 12-15-20)