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Lake Wales (Current through Ordinance 2023-17, Adopted 7-05-2023) |
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Code of Ordinances |
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Chapter 21. Utilities |
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Article II. Sewer System |
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Division 2. Sewer Use Regulations |
§ 21-49. Discharge restrictions to the sewer system. |
Latest version.
(a) No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any stormwater, surface water, groundwater, roof runoff, subsurface drainage, uncontaminated cooling water or unpolluted industrial waters to any sanitary sewer. (b) No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any of the following described waters or wastes to any public sewers: (1) Gasoline, benzene, naphtha, fuel oil or other flammable or explosive liquid, solid or gas. (2) Any waters or wastes containing toxic or poisonous solids, liquids or gases in sufficient quantity, either singly or by interaction with other wastes to injure or interfere with any wastewater treatment process, constitute a hazard to humans or animals, create a public nuisance, or create any hazard in the receiving waters of the wastewater treatment plant. (3) Any waters or waste having a pH lower than 5.5 or having any other corrosive property capable of causing damage or hazard to structures, equipment and personnel of the sewer system. (4) Solid or viscous substances in quantities of such size capable of causing obstruction to the flow in sewers or other interference with the proper operation of the sewer system such as, but not limited to, ashes, cinders, sand, mud, straw, shavings, metal, glass, rags, cloth materials, feathers, tar, plastics, wood, unground garbage, whole blood, paunch manure, hair and fleshings, entrails, paper dishes, cups, milk containers, etc., either whole or ground by garbage grinders. (c) The following described substances, materials, waters or wastes shall be limited in discharges to municipal systems to concentrations or quantities which will not harm either the sewers, wastewater treatment process or equipment, will not have an adverse effect on the receiving stream, or will not otherwise endanger lives, limb, public property, or constitute a nuisance. The director of utilities may set limitations lower than those established in the regulations below if in his opinion more severe limitations are necessary to meet the above objectives. In forming his opinion as to acceptability, the director of utilities will give consideration to such factors as the quantity of subject waste in relation to flows and velocities in the sewers, materials of construction of the sewers, the wastewater treatment process employed, capacity of the wastewater treatment plant, degree of treatability of the waste in the wastewater treatment plant, and other pertinent factors. The limitations or restrictions on materials or characteristics of waste or wastewater discharged to the sewer system shall not be violated without approval of the director of utilities and are as follows: (1) Wastewater having a temperature higher than one hundred fifty (150) degrees Fahrenheit (six hundred fifty (650 Celsius) or which will cause the temperature at the influent to a treatment plant to exceed one hundred four (104) degrees Fahrenheit (four hundred (400) Celsius). (2) Wastewater containing more than twenty-five (25) milligrams per liter of petroleum oil, nonbiodegradable cutting oils, or products of mineral oil origin. (3) Wastewater containing more than one hundred (100) milligrams per liter of oils, fat or grease. (4) Any garbage that has not been properly shredded. Garbage grinders may be connected to sanitary sewers from homes, hotels, institutions, restaurants, hospitals, catering establishments, or similar places where garbage originates from the preparation of food in the kitchen for the purpose of consumption on the premises or when served by caterers. (5) Any waste water having an excess of (limits in parts per million or milligrams per liter): silver 0.10, barium 2.0, aluminum 0.2, iron 0.3, phenol 0.2, arsenic 0.05, boron 1.0, manganese 0.05, lead 0.015, mercury 0.002, nickel 0.1, zinc 1.0, copper 0.1, cadmium 0.005, chromium 0.1, selenium 0.05, chlorides 250, nitrate 10(as N), nitrite 1(as N), sodium 160, thallium 0.002, asbestos 7 MFL and any substance or combination thereof that reduces the BOD by ten (10) percent will be considered as a toxic material. In addition, the limits for the following are: antimony 0.0, beryllium 0.0, bismuth 0.0 cobalt 0.0, cyanide 0.0, molybdenum 0.0, rhenium 0.0, tellurium 0.0, uranyl ion 0.0, strontium 0.0, herbicides 0.0, fungicides 0.0, formaldehyde 0.0 and pesticides 0.0. (6) Any waters or wastes containing odor-producing substances exceeding limits of 3 (threshold odor number) or exceeding limits which may be established by the director of utilities. (7) Any radioactive wastes or isotopes of such half-life or concentration as may exceed limits established in compliance with the applicable state or federal regulations. (8) Quantities of flow, concentration, or both which constitute a slug. (9) Waters or wastes containing substances which are not amenable to treatment or reduction by the wastewater treatment process employed, or are amenable to treatment only to such degree that the wastewater plant effluent cannot meet the requirements of agencies having jurisdiction over discharge to receiving waters and Class I reliability. (10) Any water or wastes which, by interaction with other water or wastes in the public sewer system, releases obnoxious gases, forms solids which interfere with the collection system, or creates a condition deleterious to structures and treatment processes. (11) Wastewater containing constituents in concentrations which are in excess of the concentration set for normal wastewater (two hundred fifty (250) mg/l BOD and TSS, thirty (30) mg/l TKN, fifteen (15) mg/l phosphorous). (12) Wastewater having a pH in excess of 8.5. |
(Ord. No. 96-06, § 1, 5-21-96) |
§ 21-50. Assessment of certain restrictions; requiring pretreatment of equalization facilities. |
Latest version.
(a) If any waters or wastes are discharged or are proposed to be discharged to the public sewers, which waters contain the substances or possess the characteristics enumerated above and which in the judgment of the director of utilities, may have a deleterious effect upon the wastewater facilities, processes, equipment or receiving waters or which otherwise create a hazard to life or constitute a public nuisance, the city may: (1) Reject the wastes; (2) Require pretreatment to an acceptable condition for discharge to the public sewers; (3) Require control over the quantities and rates of discharge; (4) Require surcharge payment to cover added cost of handling and treating the waters. Surcharges for over-strength BOD and TSS will be based on proportionate share costs. (b) When considering the above alternatives, the director of utilities shall give consideration to the economic impact of each alternative on the discharge. If pretreatment or equalization of waste flows is required, the design and installation of plants and equipment shall be subject to the independent review of the city's engineers and approval of the director of utilities and shall meet the requirements of DEP Chapter 62-625. |
(Ord. No. 96-06, § 1, 5-21-96) |
§ 21-51. Owner of pretreatment or equalization facilities. |
Latest version.
Where preliminary treatment of flow-equalization facilities are provided for any waters or wastes, they shall be maintained continuously in satisfactory and effective operation by the owner at his expense. |
(Ord. No. 96-06, § 1, 5-21-96) |
§ 21-52. Interceptors required. |
Effective: Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Grease interceptors are not required for every residence. However, one (1) or more grease interceptors are required where grease waste is produced in quantities that could otherwise cause line stoppage or hinder sewage disposal. (1) Fat, oil and grease (F.O.G.) interceptors required. Users who operate restaurants, cafes, lunch counters, take-outs, cafeterias, bars, clubs, or hotel, hospital, factory or school kitchens or other establishments that serve or prepare food where F.O.G. may be introduced to the sewer system shall have a F.O.G. interceptor. Take-out food establishments or other establishments that prepare food but do not cook in oil or grease and who serve food only in disposable containers may utilize alternative interceptors as approved by the public works director or his/her designee, provided their discharges will not violate any discharge prohibitions of this section. F.O.G. interceptors may also be required in non-cooking or cold dairy and frozen foodstuff establishments when they are deemed necessary by the public works director or his/her designee. Establishments that do not generate sufficient flow to warrant a grease interceptor shall be authorized, at the discretion of the public works director or his/her designee, to install an alternative grease prevention measure. (2) Oil and sand interceptors required. Users who operate automatic and coin operated laundries, car washes, filling stations, commercial garages or similar businesses having any type of washing facilities or grease racks and any other users producing grit, sand, oils or other materials in levels prohibited by 62-302 Florida Administrative Code Rule, (grease and oils one hundred (100) mg/L) which may have the potential of causing partial or complete obstruction of the building sewer or other areas in the sewer system shall install interceptors approved by the public works director or his/her designee. (3) Location of interceptors. Where a grease interceptor is required, kitchen wastewater shall first pass through the interceptor and then be discharged into the sewer system. All interceptors shall be located outside the building in such a manner that personnel from city utilities division can inspect the interceptors at any time. (4) Size of interceptors. All interceptors shall be sized to ensure that the city's sewer system is protected from excessive F.O.G., sand and oil which may cause clogging or damage and that the user is capable of meeting all discharge requirements. F.O.G. interceptors shall be based on chapter 10 of the Florida Building Code, as amended. Sizing of grease interceptors shall be based on the equations as set forth below. The minimum volume of any grease interceptor shall be seven hundred and fifty (750) gallons and the maximum volume of a single grease interceptor is greater than one thousand two hundred and fifty (1,250) gallons, installation of grease receptors in series is required. Restaurants: (S) × (GS) × (HR/12) × (LP) = effective capacity of grease interceptor in gallons, where: S = number of seats in the dining area. GS = gallons of wastewater per seat (use twenty-five (25) gallons for ordinary restaurant, use ten (10) gallons for single service ordinance restaurants). HR = number of hours' establishment is open. LP = loading factor: use one and a quarter (1.25) for interstate highways, one (1.00) for freeways, one (1.00) for recreational areas, 0.80 for main highways, and 0.50 for other highways. Other type establishments with commercial kitchens: (M) × (GM) × (LF) = effective capacity of grease interceptor in gallons, where: M = meals prepared per day. GM = gallons of water used per meal (use five (5) gallons). LF = loading factor (use 1.00 with dishwashing and 0.50 without dishwashing). (5) Sampling port. A sampling port shall be installed in an approved location to allow sampling by the utility and the user. The sample port shall be located between the interceptor and the discharge point to the sewer system. (6) Access manholes. An access manhole must have a minimum diameter of twenty-four (24) inches and shall be provided over each chamber and sanitary tee. The access manholes shall extend at least to the finished grade and be designed and maintained to prevent water inflow or infiltration. The manholes shall have readily removable covers to facilitate inspection and cleaning. (7) Plans required. The following must be submitted to the city utilities division for review and approval prior to installation of an interceptor: a. Site plans showing the location of the interceptor, lines, clean out or manhole and sample port; b. Details of the interceptor, lines, clean out or manhole and sample port; and c. Formula and calculation used to determine the interceptor capacity. Note: No non-grease-laden sources are allowed to be connected to sewer lines intended for grease, oil and sand separators. (8) Existing interceptors. All interceptors currently in use or in existence at the time of this division will be considered sized sufficiently provided they meet all discharge requirements as stated in this division. All new interceptors or interceptors to replace or upgrade existing interceptors will be required to meet all criteria stated in this division. Existing interceptors that are currently undersized (less than seven hundred and fifty (750) gallons) may be required to pump out more frequently than ninety (90) days. These establishments will be required to comply within five (5) years of the effective date of this division. (9) Inspections. The director of the city utilities department or his or her designee shall have the authority to inspect at a reasonable time (nominally within six (6) months unless circumstances dictate more frequent inspections are required), those food service, food processing, or other commercial establishments which may produce grease and which are connected to a city sewer system to ensure that said establishments have installed and are properly maintaining an adequate grease interceptor on all waste lines. When upon inspection the interceptor,the total depth of the floating grease layer plus the settle-able solids layer cannot exceed 25% of the total liquid depth of the interceptor or the establishment exceeds discharge compliance levels, the utilities director or his/her designee can require a grease pump out. Upon completion of an on-site inspection or analytical results of sampling indicate a violation of this subsection, the public works director or his/her designee may issue a "notice of violation" to the user or representative to document any discrepancies, noncompliance, special instructions or other guidance identified during the on-site inspection. Fines may be levied for failing to respond in a timely manner to a notice of violation or order for corrective action. Fines may be issued and not exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00)/day/violation. When upon inspection, the total depth of the floating grease layer plus the settle-able solids layer cannot exceed 25% of the total liquid depth of the interceptor or the establishment exceeds discharge compliance levels, the director can require a grease pump out. Upon completion of an on-site inspection or analytical results of sampling indicate a violation of this subsection, the director may issue a "notice of violation" to the user or representative to document any discrepancies, noncompliance, special instructions or other guidance identified during the on-site inspection. (10) Maintenance. a. All records pertaining to the maintenance of an interceptor shall be retained by the user for a period of not less than three (3) years and available to city utilities department upon request. b. Every F.O.G. interceptor shall be cleaned every ninety (90) days or sooner, if needed. An exemption may be granted to the ninety (90) day minimum requirement if the user can establish that such maintenance schedule is not necessary. Additional Maintenance Requirements a. All users shall maintain any Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) recovery system so that the discharges there from are in compliance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations.
b. All non-automobile services facility FOG traps, and all other non-automobile service facility FOG recovery systems, shall have all floating material removed per a schedule determined by the Director or his/her representative. All non-automobile service facility FOG traps, and all other non-automobile service facility FOG recovery systems, shall be completely pumped out annually or when the contents thereof exceed the 25% Rule. All automobile service facility FOG traps, and all other automobile service facility FOG recovery systems shall be completely pumped out annual or when the contents thereof exceed the 25% Rule. Routine maintenance, annual maintenance and maintenance due to exceeding the 25% Rule shall include the complete recovery of all contents, including floating materials, wastewater and bottom sludge and solids. The frequency of maintenance may be increased to comply with the applicable daily maximum discharge limit(s), the manufacturer’s recommendation of the 25% rule. The frequency shall be as often as necessary to prevent overflows of FOG from entering the Utility’s wastewater collection system. c. The Pump-and-Return Method of decanting or discharging of removed waste or wastewater back into the FOG recovery system is prohibited. Removal of floating material from a FOG trap less than or equal to 50 gallons may be performed by the owner of the FOG production facility, provided said floating material is properly disposed of in accordance with all applicable laws and the following procedure.
e. If any FOG recovery system discharge wastes fail to meet the applicable daily maximum limit(s) the Director or his/her representative is authorized to require that the user to repair, replace or upgrade its FOG recovery system, at the sole expense of the user. f. No user may place an additive of any type in the FOG trap or FOG recovery system without the prior written approval of the Director. (11) Maintenance Records. Each user, at each FOG producing facility, shall maintain an accurate and complete record of all cleaning(s) or maintenance of its FOG producing facility’s FOG recovery system, and shall file electronic copies of same with the Utilities Department per current procedures. Submissions will be made either weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually, based on the service schedule. The following records shall be kept on-site at the FOG producing facility for a minimum two (2) year period. a. Haulers. The hauler shall provide the FOG producing facility manager, at the time of service, a manifest conforming to all Federal and State statutes and regulations, and provisions of this Code.
i. User information, including name, address, the volume pumper from each FOG recovery system, and date and time of the pumping; d. Manifest/Maintenance Log. The owner(s) of each FOG producing facility shall maintain, and keep available on the premises, a continuous log of manifests, FOG maintenance reports (and other similar record(s) regarding each cleaning or maintenance of the FOG recovery system for the previous twenty-four (24) months. The log shall be kept on the FOG producing facility premises in a location where the log is available for inspection or review by the Director, or his/her designated agent(s) or representative(s).
(12) Repairs. Any repair that is required in regard to a FOG trap or FOG recovery system shall be made by the user within thirty (30) days of the user receiving notice of the need for a repair from either the hauler, the Director, or the Utility’s representative. (13) Alternative treatments. The use of any free-enzyme, chemical, or other products designed to emulsify, liquefy or further render grease soluble for the purpose of clearing drains or circumventing the design of the interceptor is prohibited. All products claiming biological activity must be approved by the public works director or his/her designee. Approval for this or any other treatment does not relieve the user of properly maintaining the interceptor as to prevent discharge violations to city sewer system. Failure to comply with this section, shall be subject to the user being faced with the appropriate enforcement, fines, and procedures as set forth in this section. Additionally, if any person fails to comply with this section and said failure results in damage to the city's system, the city shall be entitled to recover the cost of repair of the system from said person and any fines or penalties assessed against the city as a result of such failure. (14) Sample collection. a. Except as indicated in paragraph b., below, the user must collect wastewater samples using flow proportional composite collection techniques. In the event flow proportional sampling is infeasible, the director may authorize the use of time proportional sampling or a minimum of four (4) grab samples where the user demonstrates that this will provide a representative sample of the effluent being discharged. In addition, grab samples may be required to show compliance with instantaneous discharge limits. b. Samples for oil and grease, temperature, pH, cyanide, phenols, sulfides, and volatile organic compounds must be obtained using grab collection techniques. |
(Ord. No. 96-06, § 1, 5-21-96; Ord. No. 2013-07, § 1, 5-7-13; Ord. No. 2017-22, § 1, 12-19-17; Ord. No. 2020-09, § 1, 3-17-20;) |
§ 21-53. Control facilities required. |
Latest version.
When required to facilitate observation, sampling and measurement of the wastes, the owner of any property serviced by a building sewer carrying industrial wastes shall be required by the director of utilities to install a suitable control manhole together with such necessary meters and other appurtenances in the building sewer. Such manhole, when required, shall be accessible and safely located, and shall be constructed in accordance with plans approved by the director of utilities. The manhole shall be installed by the owner at his expense and shall be maintained by him so as to be safe and accessible at all times. |
(Ord. No. 96-06, § 1, 5-21-96) |
§ 21-54. Requirements of testing parameters. |
Latest version.
All measurements, tests and analyses of the characteristics of waters and wastes to which reference is made in this article shall be determined in accordance with the latest edition of Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater, published jointly by the American Public Health Association, the American Water Works Association and the Water Environment Federation and shall be determined at the control manhole provided or upon suitable samples taken at said control manhole. In the event that no special manhole has been required, the control manhole shall be considered the nearest downstream manhole in the public sewer to the point at which the building sewer is connected. Sampling shall be carried out by customarily accepted methods to reflect the effect of constituents upon the sewer system and to determine the existence of hazards to life, limb and property. The director of utilities or his designee shall determine whether a twenty-four (24) hour composite of all outfalls of the premises is appropriate or whether a grab sample should be taken. Normally, but not always, BOD and suspended solids analyses are obtained from twenty-four (24) hour composites of all outfalls, whereas pH's are determined from periodic grab samples. |
(Ord. No. 96-06, § 1, 5-21-96) |
§ 21-55. Special agreements or arrangements for treatment of unusual wastes. [Repealed] |
Effective on Tuesday, November 1, 2022
(Ord. No. 96-06, § 1, 5-21-96; Ord. No. 2022-49, § 1, 11-01-22) |
§ 21-56. Inspection and sampling. [Repealed] |
Effective on Tuesday, November 1, 2022
(Ord. No. 96-06, § 1, 5-21-96; Ord. No. 2022-49, § 1, 11-01-22) |
§ 21-57. Compliance with regulatory requirements. [Repealed] |
Effective on Tuesday, November 1, 2022
(Ord. No. 96-06, § 1, 5-21-96; Ord. No. 96-22, § 1, 11-19-96; Ord. No. 2022-49, § 1, 11-01-22) |