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Lake Wales (Current through Ordinance 2023-17, Adopted 7-05-2023) |
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Code of Ordinances |
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Chapter 23. Zoning, Land Use And Development Regulation |
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Article IV. District Regulations |
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Division 2. Standard Zoning District Regulations |
§ 23-423. Downtown Mixed-use Design Standards
a. Purpose. The purpose of the Downtown Mixed-use Design Standards is to provide standards for rehabilitating, restoring, and preserving buildings within the greater Downtown Mixed-use (D-MU) Area that includes the Historic Downtown and Crystal Lake. The Standards also recommend and shape new development and building reuse/restoration in a mixed-use, pedestrian-oriented manner and complementary to the form of historic buildings, according to the City’s Comprehensive Plan and the vision described in the Lake Wales Connected plan. The Downtown Mixed-Use District, and the Downtown Historic Overlay and the Crystal Lake Overlay have different requirements than other commercial areas, especially pertaining to setbacks, parking requirements, height limitations and permitted land uses. These Standards are designed to meet the primary goal of protecting and reinforcing the unique visual and historic character of Lake Wales, as well as improving the quality of new construction.
b. Applicability. The Downtown Mixed-use Design Standards apply to all development within the D- MU District (see Figure 23-423.b) and any improvement that meets the definition of a Substantial Improvement as per Chapter 23 of the Lake Wales Code of Ordinances, with modified provisions governing properties in the Downtown Historic Overlay as defined in Section 23-423.c, and modified provisions governing properties in the Crystal Lake Overlay as defined in Section 23-423.d. In the event of a conflict with other sections of Chapter 23, the Downtown Mixed-use Design Standards (Sec 23-423) shall apply, except as noted for the Downtown Historic Overlay (Sec 23-423.c.1).
Figure 23-423.b: Downtown Mixed-use District
c. Downtown Historic Overlay. The Downtown Mixed-use Design Standards supplement but do not replace required review and approval by the Historic District Regulatory Board for the Historic District and/or historically-designated properties.
1. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of Sec. 23-423 “Downtown Mixed-use Design Standards” and the Historic Preservation sections of the Code of Ordinances (Sec. 23- 208, 23-227, 23-651, 23-652, and 23-653), the provisions of the Historic Preservation sections shall supersede.
2. A Certificate of Appropriateness is required for all applicable work in the Local Ordinance Downtown Historic District, and for all designated Historic properties, as defined in Section 23-227 of the Code of Ordinances, “Certificate of Appropriateness” and Section 23-653 of the Code of Ordinances, “Certificates of Appropriateness.” All Certificate of Appropriateness applications shall be reviewed and considered for their compliance with the Downtown Historic Overlay Design Guidelines.
d. Crystal Lake Overlay. The Downtown Mixed-use Design Standards supplement but do not replace the required building form standards, design standards, and approval process for the Crystal Lake Overlay.
1. Intent. The intent of the Crystal Lake Overlay is to acknowledge the unique environmental and historical character of those commercially-zoned properties fronting Crystal Lake. These properties are the historic gateway to Lake Wales as we know it today, and they originally served as a municipal park, train depot, and hotel that welcomed the first residents of Lake Wales into the new City. The unique siting along the railroad line, but on a dramatic hill overlooking the steep shoreline of Crystal Lake, was a geographic feature that was the first impression of the earliest visitors and residents of Lake Wales. Over time, this unique environmental and historical condition has become more difficult to experience due to siting of roadways, siting of the library to face towards the Downtown, and the underutilized character of the old hotel site.
2. Process. All new construction in the Crystal Lake Overlay of more than 15,000 sf will require Site Plan Review by process of a Planned Development Project (PDP) application as described in Sec 23-224, with the following additions and modifications to the PDP Process:
i. At least one mandatory Public Design meeting shall be held prior to any public hearing, in order to establish the community vision for the future of these significant parcels of land.
ii. An Illustrative Master Plan shall be submitted as part of the required Site Plan application that demonstrates compliance with the Crystal Lake Design Standards (Sec 23-423.d.4) all applicable D-MU standards (Building Form, Sec 23-423.e; and Architecture, Sec 23- 423.f), as well as community input from the mandatory Public Design meeting.
3. Historic importance of Crystal Lake. The historic significance of Crystal Lake as the premiere waterfront destination in Lake Wales will be incorporated into all site planning, urban design, and architectural decisions for properties within the Crystal Lake Overlay. This shall include, but are not limited to the Design Standards outlined in Section 23-423.d.4.
4. Crystal Lake Design Standards.
i. North 3 rd Street Setbacks. All buildings, parking, service areas, and any improvements to the site shall be setback a minimum of 70’ from the property line along N. 3 rd Street, which fronts Crystal Lake; or an alternative setback or build-to line may be established through the public design meeting and master plan process. This mandatory setback shall be a landscaped, unenclosed open space that may be a passive open space that allows for uninterrupted views towards Crystal Lake and allows for the historic topography of the site to remain intact.
ii. Neighborhood Setbacks. Setbacks from Sessoms Avenue and Park Avenue shall match the setback requirements for the civic and residential uses across the street.
iii. Downtown / Commercial Setbacks. Setbacks along Scenic Highway, Cypress Gardens Lane, and Crystal Avenue shall be a minimum of twenty feet (20’), or an alternative setback or build-to line may be established through the public design meeting and master plan process.
iv. Primary Frontage. N. 3 rd Street shall be considered the Front Lot Line / Primary Lot Frontage and shall be considered a Primary Frontage (Sec 23-423.e.2) for all development within the Crystal Lake Overlay.
v. Historic Buildings. Any structures associated with the original Lake Wales hotel that are still remaining within the Crystal Lake Overlay shall be preserved and repurposed on site. Structures may be adaptively reused for new purposes such as commercial use, retail, housing, tourism or civic use. Structures may be relocated on site in order to better accommodate new development on site. As a measure of last resort, these structures may be relocated and preserved off-site. If a structure is determined not to be structurally feasible to relocate by the City Building Official, the building may be documented, dismantled, and as much of the original materials as possible should be reused. If relocation or dismantling of a historic building occurs, a detailed preservation and relocation plan shall be incorporated into the Site Plan application and must be approved as part of the Site Plan application.
vi. Historic Landscape. Specimen trees and any trees that are determined to have been part of the history of the site, such as the mature Sabal Palms, shall be preserved and incorporated into the Site Plan of any new development on site, particularly those trees located along the edge of the property and within the landscaped setback along North 3 rd Street.
vii. Historic Plaque. A historic plaque documenting the history of Crystal Lake as the birthplace of Lake Wales, with the historic train depot, central park space, and the historic hotel, shall be provided along North 3 rd Avenue.
e. Building Form Standards
1. Building Location
A Build-to Zone is a range of allowable distances from a street right-of-way that a building's facade (the facade facing the street) shall be built to in order to create a moderately uniform line of buildings along the street. The Front-Build-to Zone faces the Front of the Lot / Primary Street (see Figure 23-423.e.1.ii).
Figure 23-423.e.1.i: Building Location
i. Front Build-to Zone: 0’ min. to 5’ max.
ii. Side Build-to Zone (street): 0’ min. to 10’ max.
iii. Side Setback (midblock): 0’ min.
iv. Rear Setback: 0’ min.
v. Side or Rear setback adjacent to a residential district shall be 10’ minimum, including a 5’ minimum landscape buffer.
vi. Frontage Occupancy: 80% minimum Frontage Occupancy is the percentage of the total primary lot frontage width (see Figure 23- 423.e.1.ii) that is occupied by the primary building facade.
a. In the Downtown Historic Overlay:
• The primary building façade’s principal plane shall be located in the front build-to zone for at least the length of the frontage occupancy minimum (see Figure 23- 423.e.1.iii) and should align to other buildings on the same block.
• Consistent with historic precedents, the primary building façade should fill most of the frontage area (up to 100% is encouraged). If a primary building façade does not fill the frontage, the remaining frontage area may be used for a walkway, landscaped space or outdoor dining. Service areas, including mechanical equipment and trash facilities, shall not be visible from public streets, sidewalks, parks, or squares.
b. Outside of the Downtown Historic Overlay:
• Up to 50% of the width of the primary facade may be counted as meeting the frontage occupancy requirement even though it may be set back up to 10 feet further than the primary facade’s principal plane (see Figure 23-423.e.1.iv).
• A portion of the building’s primary facade may be set back up to 20 feet further from the primary facade’s principal plane if this space is constructed as a forecourt/pedestrian entryway that is open to the sidewalk. This recessed portion may be up to 40% of the total width of the primary facade and shall not be used by vehicles or a parking lot (see Figure 23-423.e.1.v).
• A garden wall that meets the requirements of 23-423.e.6.iii may be counted toward the primary building facade to meet the frontage occupancy requirement with approval of the Administrative Official.
vii. A principal entrance for each building shall be located on the primary building facade, which should face the primary lot frontage; see Sec 23-423.f.3.iv.a.
Figure 23-423.e.1.ii: Front Lot Line / Primary Lot Frontage. The above map defines which lot line is considered the “front of the lot” or Primary Lot Frontage; this is the frontage where the Front Build-to Zone is located; where the Primary Building Façade shall face; and where the Frontage Occupancy requirement applies. Corner lots may have two Primary Frontages.
Figure 23-423.e.1.iii: Frontage Occupancy, the Primary Facade and its Principal Plane. The location of the primary facade’s principal plane is not changed by facade extensions such as bay windows, awnings, porches, balconies, stoops, galleries, or by upper stories that are closer to or further from the street. (Applies to all of the D-MU, including the Downtown Historic Overlay.)
Figure 23-423.e.1.iv: Frontage Occupancy: Primary Façade and Permitted Setback (outside of the Downtown Historic Overlay)
Figure 23-423.e.1.v: Frontage Occupancy: Primary Facade and Permitted Forecourts (outside of the Downtown Historic Overlay)
2. Primary Frontages
i. Purpose. Some street frontages in the D-MU are designed as “Primary” by virtue of their existing pedestrian-supportive qualities or their future importance to pedestrian connectivity (see Figure 23-423.e.2). Development facing Primary Frontages should be held to the highest standards for walkability and defining a high-quality public realm.
ii. Requirements:
a. Driveways, curb cuts and service areas shall be provided from an alley when present. If no alley is present, access should be provided from streets other than Primary Frontages whenever possible. Curb cuts or driveways on Primary Frontages are discouraged.
b. New curb cuts or driveways are not permitted in the Downtown Historic Overlay.
c. Additional requirements for Parking and Liner Buildings along Primary Frontages are included in Sec 23-423.e.4 and 23-423.e.5.
Figure 23-423.e.2: Primary and Secondary Frontages
3. Building Height:
i. Maximum Building Height in the D-MU shall be 3 stories / 45’maximum
ii. Maximum Building Height shall be measured to the eave of the roof or roof deck (if flat).
iii. Building Heights exclude attics or below grade parking that meets all parking standards in Section 23-423.e.4.
iv. Outside of the Downtown Historic Overlay, one story of habitable attic space within a pitched roof is permitted above the designated height limit and does not count as a story. Dormers, if present, shall not be individually more than 15’ wide and collectively not more than 50 percent of the facade elevation in length.
v. Buildings may be one story in height, but their exterior walls must be at least 18 feet in height. This may be accomplished with higher ceiling heights and/or parapets.
vi. Ground floor elevation is the distance of the first finished floor above adjacent sidewalk grade. Ground floor elevation for first floor commercial uses shall be sloped from the sidewalk between 0” and 6”. Ground floor elevation for first floor residential uses shall be 24” minimum.
vii. Existing historic buildings that exceed the maximum height limit may be renovated or rebuilt (to historically accurate conditions) to the same number of stories/height as existed at the time of adoption of this code.
viii. Outside of the Downtown Historic Overlay, small footprint towers, cupolas, and other rooftop features may be designed to serve as visual landmarks and extend above the designated height limit as follows:
a. Towers/cupolas with a footprint smaller than 30 feet by 30 feet may extend up to 15 feet above the Maximum Building Height.
b. Towers/cupolas with a footprint smaller than 15 feet by 15 feet may extend up to 30 feet above the Maximum Building Height.
Figure 23-423.e.3: Building Height
4. Parking
i. There shall be no minimum parking requirements for new development or building reuse / restoration within the Downtown Mixed-use District that meets the Design Standards of this Section. Each applicant shall provide a parking analysis justifying the proposed parking solution. Parking shall be provided as necessary to meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
ii. Parking shall be located behind the primary facade of a building, and shall be setback 25 feet minimum from all public ROWs with the exception of alleys. Parking lot landscape areas shall be provided as described in 23-307.1.c. Perimeter landscape buffer requirements are not required where a building is located between the parking lot and the street.
Figure 23-423.e.4: Parking Location
a. The parking setback may be reduced when a liner building that meets the requirements of 23-423.e.5.ii is included.
b. The parking setback and required landscape buffer area on a Side Street (see Figure 23- 423.e.1.ii) may be reduced to 8 feet when a garden wall that meets the requirements of 23-423.e.6 and trees planted at 30’ center along the length of the proposed parking area (between the parking and garden wall or decorative fence) is provided.
c. The parking setback dimension on a Side Street (see Figure 23-423.e.1.ii) may be reduced upon approval of the Administrative Official if the parking lot paved area is less than 5,000 square feet in size.
iii. Access to off-street parking:
a. Alleys, when present, shall be the primary source of access to off-street parking. If alley access is not possible, the width of a parking driveway curb cut shall be 20’ maximum.
b. Garage doors, if present, shall face toward a rear alley. In locations where space does not permit the garage door to face the rear, or where there are not alleys, garage doors shall be positioned no closer to streets or public spaces than 20 feet behind the primary building façade. Garage doors facing streets or public spaces are not permitted in the Downtown Historic Overlay.
c. New driveways and curb cuts from a Primary Frontage are prohibited within the Downtown Historic Overlay.
5. Special Building Types
i. Large-Footprint Buildings: Buildings covering more than 15,000 square feet and/or with a building frontage of greater than 150 feet may be built within D-MU district by process of special exception only as defined in Section 23-216. Such buildings must abide by all standards of Section 23-423 and should reinforce the urban character of the downtown and its connected system of walkable street frontages in order to encourage use by pedestrians. Large-footprint buildings footprints may not be larger than a single block and may span an alley only if alley access to all other lots on the block is unimpeded.
ii. Liner Building Requirements: The character of some uses of land, such as parking lots, parking structures, theaters, or grocery stores, may preclude buildings from complying with the Facade Composition requirements of 23-423.f.1. Such buildings shall be constructed in a manner that they are separated from adjacent streets (but not alleys) by liner buildings:
a. Liner buildings are required for new parking areas (surface lots as well as above or below grade structures) facing Primary Frontages.
b. Liner buildings are required for new buildings that cannot meet the facade transparency requirements of 23-423.f.1.iii.
c. Liner buildings shall be a minimum of two stories in height and fifteen (15) feet in depth. Liner buildings are encouraged to be greater than 15’ in depth in the Downtown Historic Overlay.
d. Liner buildings may be detached from or attached to the primary building.
e. Liner buildings may be used for any purpose allowed on the lot on which they are located except for parking.
f. Liner buildings shall meet the Facade Composition requirements of 23-423.f.1.
Figure 23-423.e.5.ii.a: Attached Liner Building
Figure 23-423.e.5.ii.b: Detached Liner Building
6. Garden Walls and Fences
A garden wall is a wall that defines the frontage line and/or the perimeter of a property. Garden walls are encouraged along all un-built street rights-of-way to shield views to parking, provide privacy to a side yard, and strengthen the spatial definition of the public realm.
i. All garden walls or fences along property lines at public street rights-of-way shall be a maximum of three (3) feet in height.
ii. All garden walls or fences that run along a side and/or rear property lines and do not front a public street right-of-way shall be a maximum of eight (8) feet in height. Garden walls or fences over 3 feet high should be a minimum of 30% permeable or articulated.
iii. Specific to Garden Walls along a right-of-way:
a. Garden walls shall be constructed of brick, stone, cast stone, or other masonry faced with stucco, or may be constructed with iron, steel, or a combination of masonry, iron and steel.
b. When both the building walls and the garden walls are faced with stucco, the finish and color shall be identical on both.
c. Garden walls may include hedges between masonry piers. A hedge may be planted in lieu of a required garden wall.
d. All garden walls and piers shall have a cap (see Masonry Detailing).
iv. Specific to Fences along a right-of-way:
a. Fences shall be constructed of wood (picket fences with corner posts) or metal. Dark colors for metal fences (black, bronze, or dark green) are required.
b. Fences are not permitted along a street right-of-way in the Downtown Historic Overlay.
c. Chain link fences are not permitted.
7. Mechanical Equipment & Service Areas
i. For the purposes of these standards, mechanical equipment shall include any heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) or electrical machinery but also includes air compressors, hoods, mechanical pumps, exterior water heaters, water softeners, utility and telephone company transformers, meters or boxes, garbage cans, storage tanks, generators, geothermal wells, and similar elements.
a. Mechanical equipment shall not be located on a front building facade where visible from streets and public spaces
b. If mechanical equipment is located at-grade, and is visible from an adjacent street or sidewalk, it shall be screened by a garden wall or fence. When equipment is taller than the maximum height for garden walls and fences, the height may be extended to match that of the mechanical equipment.
c. All mechanical equipment or penthouse screening to be placed on the roof shall be set back from the roof line by a distance at least equivalent to the height of the screening in order to minimize visibility from surrounding streets. In no case shall the height exceed 10 feet above the Building Height limitations; and equipment shall be located to minimize visibility to surrounding streets. .
ii. Service areaincluding loading docks and trash disposal facilities shall not be visible from public streets, sidewalks, parks, or squares, but may be visible from alleys.
f. Architectural Standards
The intent of the Architectural Standards is to shape future development in a walkable, mixed-use form that reflects and complements the materials, configurations and general scale of Lake Wales’ historic downtown area and employs techniques that will result in long-lasting structures both in durability and design expression.
1. Facade Composition
i. Expression Lines and Cornice
a. Expression Lines shall either be moldings extending a minimum of two inches, or jogs in the surface plane of the building wall greater than two (2) inches.
b. Facades may feature a change of colors, materials or textures at an expression line.
c. A building mass may be subdivided by expression lines into one or two horizontal layers (see Figure 23-423.f.1.i).
d. An expression line shall always be used at the top of shopfronts. This expression line may incorporate a band for signage.
e. The top of each building may be emphasized with a projecting cornice. This cornice should feature a deeper projection, and therefore stronger shadow line, than any other expression line on a facade.
ii. Centerlines / Facade Configuration
a. Facades shall feature alternating structural centerlines and fenestration (window and door opening) centerlines.
b. These centerlines shall extend from the top of a mass to the bottom of a mass.
c. Multiple windows and/or doors may be grouped symmetrically around a single fenestration centerline.
d. The spacing of centerlines may be identical across a facade, or may vary. When varying the spacing between centerlines of any one facade, using a ratio of proportion, or a repetitive sequence of bays as justification is recommended to provide order and balance.
e. In the Downtown Historic Overlay, the size, proportion, and rhythm of windows should generally be similar to other buildings on the block, as described in the standards for Certificate of Appropriateness (Sec 23-653) and the Downtown Historic Overlay Design Guidelines.
Figure 23-423.f.1.i: Facades divided into 1 and 2 horizontal layers.
Figure 23-423.f.1.ii: Structural and fenestration centerlines, showing how the solid and voids in the facade align vertically.
iii. Facade Transparency Requirements. All building facades which face onto a street or public space shall meet the minimum transparency requirements outlined below. The percentage of transparency (door and window openings) per story shall be calculated within the area between finished floors and shall be a total percentage of doors and windows along that portion of the facade. Upper floor transparency is measured to the finished ceiling. Applicants shall provide a diagram to demonstrate compliance with this provision.
a. Building facade transparency for ground story (any retail shopfront, and any building within the Downtown Historic Overlay): 60% minimum. Building facade transparency for ground story for any building within the Downtown Historic Overlay should aspire to be 80% minimum, in keeping with historic precedent. This shall be enforced by the Historic District Regulatory Board by way of the Certificate of Appropriateness process.
b. Building facade transparency for ground story (uses other than retail, and buildings outside of the Downtown Historic Overlay): 30% minimum
c. Building facade transparency for upper stories: 20% minimum
d. Blank wall areas (facade areas without doors or windows) shall not exceed 20’ in length along any story facing a Primary Frontage. Blank wall areas shall not exceed 30’ in length along any story facing a Secondary Frontage.
Figure 23-423.f.1.iii: Example of compliant facade transparency
2. Shopfront Design Requirements
i. The top of all shopfront windowsills shall be between one (1) and three (3) feet above the adjacent sidewalk. In the Downtown Historic Overlay kickplates shall be the same height as on other buildings on the same block.
ii. Shopfront windows shall extend up from the sill at least eight (8) feet above the adjacent sidewalk and shall be the same height as on other buildings on the same block.
iii. Shopfronts shall have a cornice or expression line above, between the first and second story.
iv. Shopfront windows may not be made opaque by window treatments (excepting operable sunscreen devices within the conditioned space). Reflective, tinted (of any degree), and frosted glass is prohibited on shopfronts.
Figure 23-423.f.2: Shopfront Elements
v. Doors or entrances for public access shall be provided on all shopfront building facades at intervals no greater than fifty (50) feet, unless otherwise approved as a Special Exception by the Planning Board, or by the Historic Board in the Downtown Historic Overlay. The intent is to maximize street activity, to provide pedestrians with frequent opportunities to enter buildings, and to minimize any expanses of inactive wall.
vi. Shopfront doors shall be predominately glass. Solid doors are prohibited.
vii. A minimum of fifteen (15) feet of depth of habitable space shall be provided behind each shopfront on the primary facade. This ensures that the area behind shopfronts is sufficient enough to be an actively used retail space.
viii. There should generally be more glass and less wall at the storefront level, balanced by more wall and less glass on the upper façade (see Facade Transparency Requirements, 23- 423.f.1).
ix. Transoms help break up the effects of large sheets of glass and are encouraged. Transoms can be clear, tinted or stained glass. When feasible, transoms should align with adjacent storefronts.
x. Within the Downtown Historic Overlay, facade improvements shall use traditional storefront design and similar architectural features to maintain continuity (e.g. color, canopy, window treatment). Old photographs of the building can be consulted for inspiration.
3. Building Elements
i. Building Wall Requirements
a. Permitted finished building wall materials include: brick masonry, stone, cast stone, stucco, and pre-engineered metal and glass systems (for windows, doors, and shopfront conditions). Horizontal lap siding (of wood, cementitious, or composition board, such as HardiPlank®) is permitted outside of the Downtown Historic Overlay. Use of imitation materials, such as E.I.F.S., imitation wood or stone is prohibited as a wall material.
b. Other siding materials (which may include metal or cementitious panels for ornamentation) shall not be used as a primary building wall material. Unfinished aluminum or steel is not appropriate. Vinyl and aluminum siding are not permitted.
c. All siding materials shall incorporate vertical corner boards on outside building corners. Corner boards shall be a minimum of three (3) nominal inches in width and a minimum of one (1) inch thick.
d. When materials are combined on a building facade horizontally, heavier materials should generally be located below lighter materials.
e. For buildings with three (3) stories, the ground floor should be differentiated from those floors above in order to reinforce the pedestrian realm.
f. Brick masonry should generally be comprised of a standard unit size and height. Oversized or utility dimensions are to be avoided.
g. E.I.F.S., Fiberglass (as cornice material), and composite materials as an ornamental feature must be located out of reach of pedestrians and must visually appear to have a hand troweled finish.
h. All stucco surfaces shall have a smooth or sand finish, be hand-troweled in texture, and painted. Sprayed on stucco finishes are prohibited.
i. See also requirements for Facade Composition and Masonry Detailing.
ii. Roofs and Parapets
a. In the Downtown Historic Overlay, the roof shall be flat or shed and concealed behind a parapet.
b. For civic buildings in the Downtown Historic Overlay, a gabled or hipped roof may be permitted.
c. In the D-MU, outside of the Downtown Historic Overlay, roofs may feature the following configurations: Gabled, Hipped, or Flat / Shed. Mansard roofs (a roof having two slopes, with the lower slope steeper than the upper one, which is often used to accommodate an additional habitable story) are prohibited.
d. The minimum slope for a gabled or hip roof shall be 3:12, and the maximum slope shall be 9:12.
e. Gabled and hipped roofs may either rise from a projecting cornice, or from behind a parapet.
f. Visible gabled roof ends should be symmetrically pitched.
g. Flat / Shed roofs shall always be concealed behind a parapet.
h. The profile of parapets may be sculpted, with additional vertical emphasis corresponding to a prominent facade fenestration centerline.
i. A taller portion of a sculpted parapet may incorporate a signage panel.
Figure 23-423.f.3.ii.a Gabled Roof
Figure 23-423.f.3.ii.b Hipped Roof
Figure 23-423.f.3.ii.c Flat Roof with Parapet
iii. Masonry Detailing. These masonry standards shall apply to the facades and building walls of all structures which are faced with brick masonry, stone, or cast stone.
a. Headers: A header is the horizontal member (or assembly of members) visibly spanning the top of an opening.
• All openings in masonry construction should be spanned by a header.
• Permitted header forms shall be the lintel, arch, and jack arch (see Figure 23-423.d.3.iii.a).
• Headers may be composed of more ornate moldings or pediments. The header shall visually appear able to carry the wall load above.
• Headers may be comprised of a variety of materials, including: brick, stone, cast stone, cast concrete, wood, and metal.
• All headers on a building should be of a matching style and material.
• Headers shall be wider than the opening they span.
b. Sill: A sill is the horizontal member (or assembly of members) at the base of a window.
• All window openings in masonry construction shall have a sill at their base.
• Sills shall be generally rectangular in form, and slope slightly away from the opening to shed water.
• Sills may be comprised of a variety of materials. Permitted materials include: brick, stone, cast stone, and concrete.
• All sills on a building should be of a matching style and material.
• Sills shall be a minimum of two (2) inches in height and should project from the wall surface a minimum of one half (1/2) inch. Sills shall be slightly wider than the opening.
Figure 23-423.f.3.iii.a Headers Steel Lintel (above) and Brick Jack Arch (below)
Figure 23-423.f.3.iii.b Sills Cast Concrete (above) and Brick (below)
c. Cap: A cap is the protective top layer of a masonry structure exposed to weather from above, such as a wall, parapet, or chimney.
• A cap shall protect the tops of all masonry structures exposed to the weather including: garden walls, stair treads, planter edges, parapets, and freestanding piers.
• Caps shall be comprised of stone, cast stone, brick, concrete, tile, or slate.
• The edges of caps may be rectangular, or may be more ornate.
• Caps should project past the edge of the masonry structure below by a minimum of one half (1/2) inch.
Figure 23-423.f.3.iii.c Caps Concrete Pier (above) and Cast Stone Cornice (below)
iv. Doors and Windows
a. Principal entrances of every building must directly face a Primary Lot Frontage or public space accessible from the Primary Lot Frontage (see Figure 23-423.e.1.ii). Public space may include a central garden or courtyard when that public space opens directly onto the street. Additional building entrances are permitted.
b. Entry / Exit Doors: Public entry and exit doors which swing outward shall be recessed into the facade a minimum of three feet from the property line.
c. Window and door openings in masonry facades should express a structural lintel above to express the conveyance of building weight (see Masonry Detailing). A similar method using wood trim can be used on wood-clad facades.
d. Windows and doors shall be vertically proportioned. Window openings may be horizontally proportioned, but only if composed of vertically proportioned windows grouped together and each separated by a mullion, column, or wall section with a minimum width of four (4) inches. Horizontally proportioned transom windows are permitted if part of an overall vertical composition.
e. Permitted window types include: single-, double-, and triple-hung, sash, casement, and transom. Fixed glass windows may be used only within shopfronts or for small accent windows no more than ten (10) square feet in size. Specialty shopfront conditions, such as retractable windows that allow the frontage to open completely, may be permitted by the Administrative Official.
f. Shutters are not permitted in the Downtown Historic Overlay. When used in the D-MU, shutters shall be appropriately sized to cover the window opening, constructed of wood, metal, or composite material, and must be fully operable. “Shutter Dogs” shall be used to hold all shutters in place while open.
Figure 23-423.f.3.iv.a: Window proportions
Figure 23-423.f.3.iv.b: Shutter dog
v. Columns & Railings
a. General Regulations for Columns
• All columns shall be either round or square in section.
• All columns shall be spaced at regular intervals and shall create openings which are square or vertically proportioned. (See Figure 23- 423.f.3.v.a1)
• Columns shall be constructed of wood, metal, stone, cast stone, brick, or fiberglass.
• Columns shall be a minimum of six (6) inches in width and depth.
• Columns should always support a structural spanning element, such as a beam, arch, or entablature. (See Figure 23-423.f.3.v.a2)
• Columns shall always be positioned so that the outside edge of the beam, arch, or entablature above aligns with the neck of the column. (See Figure 23- 423.f.3.v.a3)
b. Railings
• Railings shall be constructed of wood or metal. A balustrade may be constructed of cast stone.
• All railings shall be supported at the ends by posts or building walls.
• All railings shall be comprised of a top and bottom rail, between which balusters and rungs are affixed.
• Balusters shall never be affixed directly to the floor.
• Parapet walls may be used in place of railings.
Figure 23-423.f.3.v.a1: Column spacing
Figure 23-423.f.3.v.a2: Columns spanned by a visually structural element
Figure 23-423.f.3.v.a3: Alignment of column neck and face of entablature
4. Permitted Frontage Elements. The frontage elements in Table 23-423 may encroach forward of the build-to zone and may encroach into the public right-of-way with approval of the Administrative Official and including indemnification in a form acceptable to the City. Shopfront buildings with the exception of Contributing Buildings in the Downtown Historic Overlay, are required to have an Awning/Canopy, Gallery, or Second-story Balcony extend over at least seventy (70) percent of the building facade, to provide shelter for pedestrians on the sidewalk, reduce glare, and reduce the heat island effect. Contributing Buildings in the Downtown Historic Overlay may have an Awning/Canopy frontage, as provided through the Certificate of Appropriateness process.
TABLE 23-423 Frontage Element Conditions or Limits Awning / Canopy A Canopy is a structural cantilevered shed roof; an Awning is canvas or similar material and may be fixed or retractable.
• Awnings or Canopies over ground-story doors or windows must have a depth of at least five (5) feet and a clear height of at least eight (8) feet above the sidewalk. Awnings or Canopies may not project within 2’ of the curb.
• Awnings shall fit within the frame or masonry openings of a window or door and should not cover-over character-defining features of a historic building, including the buildings’ vertical piers.
• Awnings shall follow the lines of window openings, for example, a round or bell-shaped awning shall be installed on an arched window, and a flat or shed shaped awning shall be installed on a rectangular window.
• Quarter-round, bubble awnings or so called “long dome” awnings are not appropriate and not permitted unless historically documented.
• Awnings or canopies that cover or obscure transom windows or conceal upper floor architectural features are not permitted.
• Awnings shall be made of treated, weather- durable fabric, such as canvas or woven acrylic. Vinyl, metal, and plastic are not appropriate.
• Backlit and internally illuminated awnings and canopies are not permitted.
Gallery • Galleries are only permitted on new construction within the Downtown Historic Overlay, as approved through the Certificate of Appropriateness process. Galleries are permitted on all buildings in the D-MU outside of the Downtown Historic Overlay.
• A Gallery must have a clear width from its support columns to the building’s primary façade of at least eight (8) feet and a clear height above the sidewalk of at least ten (10) feet. Support columns can be spaced no farther apart than they are tall and must be placed to allow at least two (2) feet and up to three (3) feet from their outer face to the curb.
• When a gallery extends over a public sidewalk, the property owner shall be required to enter into a right-of-way agreement including indemnification in a form acceptable to the City.
Balconies • Balconies are only permitted on new construction within the Downtown Historic Overlay, as approved through the Certificate of Appropriateness process. Balconies are permitted on all buildings in the D-MU outside of the Downtown Historic Overlay.
• Second-story Balconies shall have a depth of at least 6 feet and a clear height below of at least ten (10) feet above the sidewalk. Balconies may not project within 2’ of the curb.
• Balconies may have roofs but must be open toward the primary street.
Stoops & Porches • Stoops and porches are permitted in D-MU areas outside of the Downtown Historic Overlay.
• Stoop stairs may be perpendicular or parallel to the building facade. Stoops extending into the right-of-way must maintain a 6’ min. clear zone for pedestrians on the sidewalk. When a stoop extends over a public sidewalk, the property owner may be required to enter into a right-of- way agreement including indemnification in a form acceptable to the City.
• Porches may extend into the front Build-to Zone
and up to 10 feet into a side setback. Front and
side porches that extend into the setback shall be
at least eight (8) feet deep.• Partial walls, screened areas, and railing on
porches and stoops may be no higher than forty-
two (42) inches.g. Process for Review and Administrative Waiver.
1. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for the construction, renovation, or remodeling of any building exterior façade and/or new development, an approval by the Administrative Official is required. For purposes of this subsection, replacements, renovations or changes to canopies, awnings and to signage on walls, canopies or awnings shall be considered remodeling of the building façade.
2. The Administrative Official’s decision shall be either an approval, an approval with conditions, or denial. Any applicant may elect to appeal a decision.
3. Waivers to the Downtown Mixed-use Design Standards may be granted by the Administrative Official (per Sec 23-422) as follows:
i. The Building Location requirements of 23-423.e.1 may be adjusted:
a. Where development envisioned by the code is not feasible due to irregularly- shaped parcels or environmental constraints, including mature trees; or
b. To allow for a new public green or plaza in front of the building facade. A parking lot is not permitted in front of the building façade.
c. Building location standards may not be adjusted for parking, stormwater retention, mechanical equipment, service, loading, or private walled gardens for individual residential units.
ii. Exceptions to the standards of 23-423.f (Architectural Standards) may be granted on the basis of architectural merit or where the requirements create undue hardship (as defined in Chapter 23), such as for building reuse or additions in which required elements are incompatible with existing or adjacent structures.
iii. Administrative Waivers are discouraged in the Downtown Historic Overlay and on Primary Frontages in the D-MU.
(Ord. No. 2022-37, § 1, 9-07-22; Ord. No. 2023-13, § 2, 4-18-23)