§ 20-1. Source of traffic regulations within the City of Lake Wales.  

Latest version.
  • All traffic upon the public streets, highways, and roads of the City of Lake Wales shall be subject to the Florida Uniform Traffic Control Law, F.S. ch. 316, subject to the amendments or supplements contained in this chapter and the official traffic map of the city which is hereby adopted and is on file in the office of the city clerk. The official traffic map shall contain inscriptions designating limitations as to operation of bicycles, commercial motor vehicles, electric personal assistive mobility devices, farm tractors, golf carts, implements of husbandry, mopeds, motorized scooters, motor vehicles, motorcycles, road tractors, semitrailers, special mobile equipment, trailers, trucks, truck tractors, and vehicles upon certain public streets, highways, and roads, designating intersections, designating one-way streets, designating limitations on parking, designating school zones, designating the placement of official traffic control devices and signals, designating speed limits upon roadways, designating stop streets, and designating through streets. It is the express intent of the city commission that this map's inscriptions shall have the full force and effect of law as though set forth herein in full, and that this map shall constitute authority of the city police department in the erection of all traffic signs, markers, traffic lights and other traffic directions. The city manager, with the recommendation of the police chief, is authorized to temporarily amend the traffic map to protect the public health, safety or welfare on any public thoroughfare of the City of Lake Wales. Said temporary amendment shall be presented to the city commission for approval or disapproval at the next regularly scheduled commission meeting. A temporary street closing for repairs, flooding, traffic accidents or the like shall not require an amendment of the traffic map.

(Ord. No. 2005-21, § 1, 6-21-05; Ord. No. 2005-46, § 1, 10-4-05)